Is hazing prevalent in the K-20 environments?

Hazing is prevalent in the K-20 environments despite the adoption of anti-hazing laws in 44 states. Participating in extra-curricular activities and being hazed by perpetrators [&hellip

Is it time to provide report cards for the Teacher Preparation Program?

With an ongoing problem of many teachers not being prepared to teach in today’s classroom setting and, subsequently, having a negative impact on student performance, [&hellip

How can teachers participate in an engineering contest?

 Human and material resources are sometimes scarce in educational institutions. Competitive contests sponsored by the business community can help to provide resources to support the [&hellip

When do employees cyberloaf? An interactionist perspective examining personality, justice, and empowerment.

Kim, K., Triana, M., Chung, K., Oh, N. Cyberloafing—using the internet for non-work-related activities—is aprevalent counterproductive work behavior (CWBs) in the workplace, but researchers have [&hellip

What career path can lead to co-founder of Fullbridge Program?

Candice Olson is the founder and CEO of iVillage and co-founder and CEO of the Fullbridge Program.  Fullbridge is an intensive, collaborative learning experience that [&hellip