What is The Holmes Education Post, LLC?
Realizing that “knowledge is power,” particularly in improving one’s potential and reputation in life, it is essential that public schools receive the necessary human and [&hellip

How can school districts benefit from a zero-based budgeting model?
People work for 30 plus years to retire and then expect a return on their time investment. This might include a combination of savings, pensions, [&hellip

What is hazing in our society?
In the 1976 movie Carrie, a young girl who does not make friends easily is humiliated, harassed and abused by her peers and classmates. There [&hellip

How can the value-added model better measure students’ performance?
Tim Tebow’s throwing motion as a NFL quarterback is very unorthodox compared to traditional NFL quarterbacks. Because Tebow does not fit the norm, he has [&hellip