How can bullied students overcome their perpetrators?
During the National Hazing Prevention Week (September 23 – September 27), the Robert D. Champion Drum Major for Change Foundation, Inc. provided a hazing and [&hellip

Who has time to haze?
Edward Waters College (EWC) recognized National Hazing Prevention Week (September 23 – September 27) during its September chapel service. The service was hosted by Delta [&hellip

Should Tim Tebow be offered a football contract with the Jacksonville Jaguars?
According to ASTD’s 2012 State of the Industry Report, U.S. organizations spent $156.2 billion on employee learning and development. Despite ongoing economic challenges, the report’s [&hellip

Director, Dr. Betty Bennett
Dr. Betty Bennett is the director of University of North Florida’s (UNF) Educator Preparation Institute in Jacksonville, Florida. The program provides an alternative route to [&hellip

What is the University of North Florida’s Educator Preparation Institute?
Hundreds of thousand of aging baby boomers are expected to retire in the next ten years leaving school districts with lots of openings to fill. [&hellip

What can educational institutions do during National Hazing Prevention Week?
Hazing is an epidemic in our American culture. It crosses racial, ethnic, gender and class boundaries and occurs in every institution including schools, colleges, military, [&hellip

Is it time for random drug testing of high school student-athletes?
Some advocates believe that the use of drugs improves sports by giving athletes a competitive edge while others believe drugs damage the game as well [&hellip