What is a best practice for personalizing learning in the classroom?
What is a best practice for personalizing learning in the classroom? To answer this question and expose K-12 schools to innovative, web-based educational resources, I [&hellip

What career path can lead to co-founder of Fullbridge Program?
Candice Olson is the founder and CEO of iVillage and co-founder and CEO of the Fullbridge Program. Fullbridge is an intensive, collaborative learning experience that [&hellip

Who is the ACE Council Fellows/Fidelity Investments mentor award honoree?
The Holmes Education Post recognizes schools, colleges and universities and their business partners that are demonstrating best practices in education. These practices may include civic [&hellip

Why did UM adopt concept of entrepreneurial thinking?
Dr. Mary Sue Coleman, president of the University of Michigan was a keynote speaker at the 96th Annual Meeting of the American Council on Education [&hellip

What career path can lead to an effective AP Social Studies teacher?
Stephanie Middleton is the 2014 Teacher of the Year for the Professional and Technical High School and the School District of Osceola County, Florida. Middleton [&hellip