Do teens get enough sleep at home?
Considering the myriad of reasons students perform poorly in school and on standardized tests, the critical questions to be asked are: Do teens get enough [&hellip

Career Path to President/CEO of Leading To Change
Eric Rowles is a nationally recognized speaker, trainer and consultant who has worked with more than 150,000 people such as teenagers, adults, professionals, policy makers [&hellip

How are school sports activities impacted by court cases and legislation?
Student participation in extra-curricular activities such as football and soccer are good ways for schools to promote academic performance, school spirit, pride and discipline. With [&hellip

How do female superintendents handle political challenges on the job?
Superintendents are confronted with challenges to effectively manage their schools districts. Some of these challenges include the operating budget, academic curriculum and student performance. While [&hellip

Career Path to President of Medicine Hat College
One of the attendees of the 2015 Appreciative Education Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC was Dr. Denise Henning, president/CEO of Medicine Hat College in Alberta, [&hellip