Career Path to Executive Director of Shape Up US
Jyl Steinback is executive director of Shape Up US and creator of the Hip Hop Healthy Heart Program for Children.TM The program is an innovative [&hellip

How can elementary students learn the Alphabets and Continents?
The Holmes Education Post (THEP) released its 11th book to serve as a resource to schools nationwide. Keeping with the title Jacob’s Dream from THEP’s [&hellip

How are America’s students let off the hook?
When Arizona Cardinals lost a 20 point lead in the fourth quarter to the Chicago Bears, Coach Dennis Green angrily erupted towards the media saying, [&hellip

The 2015 Young Globals Student Competition and Internship
GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Global Awards℠ second annual Young Globals competition and internship program is open for entries. The Young Globals is the only college/portfolio [&hellip

How should school officials address issues in schools?
While many schools are confronted with a plethora of issues on a day-to-day basis such as inappropriate use of cell phones, lack of parental involvement [&hellip

Do cellular telephones enhance or impede the learning process at school?
Security at U.S. airports has tightened significantly in an effort to ensure safety of passengers on planes since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Passengers [&hellip