Career Path to Superintendent of Kankakee School District
Dr. Genevra A. Walters is superintendent of Kankakee School District where she and her children were reared. Kankakee is located 60 miles south of Chicago, [&hellip

Military Spouse Scholarships
(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The National Military Family Association (NMFA), a nonprofit that works to strengthen and protect military families, is now accepting applications for its [&hellip

Parents’ and Families’ Involvement in Children’s Education
During the past several decades, the benefits of parents’ and families’ involvement in children’s education have been well documented. Typically the parents and families are [&hellip

Mentoring Initiative Helps Low-Income Students Stay in College
(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Indiana Commission for Higher Education shared recently the first-year results of a college mentoring program developed with the support of USA [&hellip

The Product of a Doctoral Dissertation
Just as the general public relies on the medical research of doctors to address the illnesses in society such as cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer, the [&hellip