Career Path to Anesthesiologist of Houston Methodist Hospital Baytown
Dr. Brenda J. Banks is an anesthesiologist for the Houston Methodist Hospital Baytown in Houston, TX. Banks earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology from [&hellip

Career Path to executive director of the National Association of Presidential Assistants in Higher Education
Brittny Daubenheyer is executive director of the National Association of Presidential Assistants in Higher Education (NAPAHE). Daubenheyer earned a Bachelor of Arts in General Studies [&hellip

Is there is a need for a Future Focused School?
Dr. Bill Daggett, founder and chairman of the International Center for Leadership in Education in Rexford, NY., was a keynote speaker for the 2019 National [&hellip

Is it time for a Mental Health Curriculum in Our Schools?
One of the critical challenges facing our children today is mental health. This was one of the key messages from Dr. Bill Daggett’s speech at [&hellip