Book Store

Jacob’s Dream! A Bible Story of Naomi and Ruth

This coloring book teaches children about the bible story of Naomi and Ruth. Children will explore Naomi and Ruth’s story through the lens of Jacob’s dream. They will learn about Ruth’s journey from Moab to Bethlehem, her family significance, and how it connects to the lineage of Jesus Christ. The book will be useful for Sunday school teachers, elementary teachers, and homeschool parents as they can use the book to create lessons on the bible story of Naomi and Ruth and apply learning to practice. If you are interested in ordering this book, visit:, Barnes & Nobel, or



A 15-Week Bible Study from the Devotional Book “Beyond the Sunday Sermon.”

This book is an extension to the book titled “Beyond the Sunday Sermon: “A 52 Week Devotional from the teaching and preaching of Reverend Dr. R.B. Holmes, Jr.” This book can be useful to churches that would like to coordinate a bible study in a 60-minute format utilizing PowerPoint slides, gospel songs, and scenes from popular movies to contextualize the learning. The book provides an outline of each bible study so key participants of the church such as ministers, facilitators, and technology support staff can easily understand their roles and follow the services as planned. You can order it through


A 12 Week Bible Study from the Devotional Book “Beyond the Sunday Sermon.”


This book is an extension to the book titled “Beyond the Sunday Sermon: “A 52 Week Devotional from the teaching and preaching of Reverend Dr. R.B. Holmes, Jr.” This book can be useful to churches that would like to coordinate a bible study in a 60-minute format utilizing PowerPoint slides, gospel songs, and scenes from popular movies to contextualize the learning. The book provides an outline of each bible study so key participants of the church such as ministers, facilitators, and technology support staff can easily understand their roles and follow the services as planned. You can order it through




Beyond the Sunday Sermon

This book is a synopsis of 52 of Reverend Dr. R.B. Holmes Jr.’s sermons along with a daily journal of key questions to help you expound upon the message. The book provides an opportunity for readers to meditate, study and record their personal thoughts for each day after the weekly Sunday Sermon. You can order it through


A Business Communications & Grammar Book for High School and College Students

This book provides readers with solutions to common grammar mistakes. Further, the book provides practical examples of how to effectively write a resumé, letter of application, letter of intent for college and apply for a job using acceptable business practices. This book also educates students on the concept of financial literacy so they can effectively manage their money. To meet the needs of homeschoolers, this book will serve as a reference guide for an online curriculum on Business Communications and Grammar with emphasis on preparing students for college and careers. If you are interested in ordering this book, visit:;; or Barnes & Noble.



A Roadmap for planning an in person and virtual family reunion during a pandemic.

This book provides a roadmap for planning an in person and virtual family reunion. The book focuses on key points to start, structure, coordinate, implement, oversee, and evaluate the effectiveness of a family reunion on land, sea, and virtually. It uses colorful illustrations and real-life examples from families who have successfully planned family reunions for more than 50 years.

Be the first to order this book at;; or  Barnes & Noble; and use it as a resource to plan your next family reunion whether it is held in person or virtually.



Jacob’s Dream! A Children’s Guide to Understanding the Coronavirus (COVID-19)


This book teaches children about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and 10 ways to protect themselves and other people from the disease. This book provides colorful illustrations to capture children’s imagination while developing their reading and thinking skills. Children can color the illustrations on each page, which further enhances the learning process. It will be especially useful for elementary teachers and homeschool parents as they can use the book to facilitate classroom instructions on COVID-19, build student vocabulary and apply learning to practice. If you are interested in ordering this book, visit; or Barnes & Noble. 



Jacob’s Dream! A Story on People and Cultures from different Countries

This book exposes children to various people and cultures of seven different countries including the United States. It provides colorful illustrations to capture children’s imagination while developing their reading and thinking skills. Children can color the illustrations on each page, which further enhances the learning process. It will be especially useful for elementary teachers and homeschool parents as they can use the book’s lesson plan tied to the Common Core State Standards to facilitate classroom instructions on people and cultures from different countries, build student vocabulary and apply learning to practice.

To order this book, visit:, Barnes & Noble, or




Jacob’s Dream! A Lesson on Flowers and Colors

This book teaches children about eight flowers and the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. It provides eight colorful illustrations of popular flowers native to countries all over the world. The book intends to capture children’s imagination while developing their ability to learn about different flower species. Children will have an opportunity to reinforce their knowledge of the colors taught by coloring sketches of each flower. It will be especially useful for elementary teachers as they can use the book to create lessons on color, build student awareness of flowers and apply learning to practice. To order the book visit:;; or Barnes & Noble.


How to Homeschool Your Child: Success Stories from Moms, Dads & Students

This book provides real-life experiences and tips from parents who have successfully homeschooled their children from the kindergarten to the high school level under different regulations, instructional options, and methods in the United States. Through extensive research, this book also provides useful and resourceful information about homeschooling for parents seeking an alternative school choice for educating their children.

To order the book, visit:;; or Barnes & Noble.


Jacob’s Dream! A Story on the Solar System


This book exposes children to the eight planets within the solar system. It provides colorful illustrations to capture children’s imagination while developing their reading and thinking skills. Children can color the illustrations on each page, which further enhances the learning process. It will be especially useful for elementary teachers as they can use the book ’s lesson plan tied to Common Core State Standards to facilitate classroom instructions on the unique characteristics of each planet, build student vocabulary skills and apply learning to practice. To order the book visit: Amazon.comBarnes & Noble; or AuthorHouse.


Jacob’s Dream! A Story of Careers for Children, by Ronald W. Holmes, Ph.D.

SKU-000983964_COVER_v2.inddThis book exposes children at an early age to sixteen professional careers through Jacob’s dream. It provides colorful illustrations to capture children’s interest while developing their reading skills. This book also provides an opportunity for children to color the illustrations on each page, which will further enhance the learning process. To order the book, visit:;;  or Barnes and Noble.




Jacob’s Dream! A Lesson on Numbers & Birds, by Ronald W. Holmes, Ph.D.


This book teaches children to count from 1-10. It provides ten colorful illustrations of popular North American birds. The book intends to capture children’s imagination while developing their ability to count and learn about indigenous birds. Children can trace the numbers and color the illustrations on each page, which further enhances the learning process. It will be especially useful for elementary teachers as they can use the book to create counting lessons, build student awareness of birds and apply learning to practice. If you are interested in ordering this book, visit: or


Jacob’s Dream! A Lesson on Alphabets & Continents, by Ronald W. Holmes, Ph.D.



This book teaches children the 26 letters in the alphabet and the seven continents of the world. It provides seven colorful illustrations of the continents including countries located in the continents. The book intends to capture children’s imagination while developing their ability to learn the alphabets and continents. Children can trace the letters and color the illustrations on each page, which further enhances the learning process. The book will be especially useful for elementary teachers as they can use it to create reading lessons, while also building student awareness of the continents and countries. As an added resource, the book comes with a five day lesson plan to teach students the alphabets and continents which can also be useful for elementary teachers. To order the book, visit:;; or Barnes and Noble


Jacob’s Dream! A Story of Bullying in School & Ways to Stop It.


This book teaches children about bullying and ways to stop it. It provides colorful illustrations of the characteristics of the bully, bully-victim, victim and bystander, as well as some activities that can be implemented at the school by the building principal to stop bullying. The book intends to capture children’s imagination while developing their ability to learn and understand what to do when bullied. Children can read the stories in Jacob’s Dream and color the illustrations on each page, which further enhances the learning process. The book will be especially useful for elementary teachers as they can use the book to build student awareness of bullying and apply learning to practice. To order the book, visit:


Jacob’s Dream! A Story of Animals in Africa, by Ronald W. Holmes, Ph.D.


This book exposes children to 16 African animals and their habitats. It provides colorful illustrations to capture children’s imagination while developing their reading and thinking skills. Children can color the illustrations on each page, which further enhances the learning process. It will be especially useful for elementary teachers as they can use the book’s lesson plan tied to the Common Core State Standards to facilitate classroom instructions on the lifestyles of animals in Africa, build student vocabulary skills and apply learning to practice. To order the book, visit:


Professional Career Paths, by Ronald W. Holmes, Ph.D.

Public school students in many states are given the opportunity to choose a potential job to pursue or path of study in one of the 16 national career clusters delineated by the U.S. Department of Education. Some of these career clusters include (1) agriculture, food and natural resources; (2) audio/visual technology and communications; (3) architecture and construction; (4) business, management and administration and (5) education and training. This book provides an excerpt of interviews of 57 professionals in different occupations (teacher, lawyer, doctor, entrepreneur, etc.) to help students learn of jobs for successful employment. The book is also designed to help students visualize how their background fits certain characteristics of professionals so they become inspired to pursue a defined career path. Each professional’s occupation in the chapters is linked to one of the 16 national career clusters supported by definitions of the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium. Finally, the book provides a review of best practices various schools have used across the country to prepare students for college and careers. To order the book, visit:; or Barnes and Noble or call AuthorHouse Book Order Hotline at 1-888-280-7715. All proceeds of this book will go towards scholarships for students.


Your Answers to Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Every Individual & Organization

This book provides real-life experiences of individuals who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The book discusses useful and resourceful information about bipolar disorder and particularly “what to know” to assist individuals living with bipolar disorder and organizations working with individuals diagnosed with the brain disorder. The book also serves as a reference guide to an online mental health awareness curriculum with emphasis on bipolar disorder. The curriculum provides training for college students, employees, and managers of organizations such as educational institutions, businesses, law enforcement, and health care.  To order the book visit: Authorhouse;; or Barnes & Noble.




Eradicating Cyber Bullying through Online Training, Reporting and Tracking System

This book provides research-based solutions on what to do to eradicate cyber bullying in the school, home, community and workplace through the resource of an Online National Anti-Cyber Bullying Curriculum and Web Based Reporting, Tracking, Training and Documentation System called This book also provides real-life stories of individuals who have been cyber bullied in the U.S. and abroad illustrating the seriousness of this epidemic.  To order the book, visit:; Barnes and Noble; or




Eradicating Workplace Bullying: A Guide for Every Organization

9781524624583_COVER_FQA.inddThis book provides real-life experiences and tips from employees who have been victims of workplace bullying in industries such as education, business, government and healthcare. The book discusses research-based strategies that Human Resources representatives can use to address bullying situations. The book also serves as a reference guide to an online anti-bullying program that provides training for all employees and managers.To order the book, visit:; Barnes and Noble; or





How to Eradicate Bullying

This book provides research-based strategies to eradicate bullying from the school culture. To order the book, visit:;; Barnes and Noble or






Completing the Dissertation: Tips, techniques and real-life experiences from Ph.D. graduates, by Ronald W. Holmes, Ph.D.


Forty-three percent of graduate students do not complete the Ph.D. with many students struggling to fulfill the requirements of the dissertation. The purpose of this book is to help potential and current graduate students learn from Ph.D. graduates who successfully completed the dissertation. To order the book, visit:; or Barnes and Noble.




How to revitalize the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., by Ronald W. Holmes, Ph.D.

Through the “12 Point Action Plan Vision” of Reverend Dr. R.B. Holmes, Jr., this book serves as a model to support the needs of the churches of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. To order the book, visit:  Barnes and Noble or call AuthorHouse Book Order Hotline at 1-888-280-7715. All proceeds of this book will go towards Historical Black Colleges and Universities affiliated with the National Baptist Convention.




Your Answers to Education Questions, by Ronald W. Holmes, Ph.D.

Through empirical research, this book provides educators and other followers of The Holmes Education Post, with the solutions to education questions in our educational institutions. These solutions include 30 articles on some of our latest interventions to address challenges plaguing our institutions. To order the book, visit:;; or Barnes and Noble or call AuthorHouse Book Order Hotline at 1-888-280-7715. All proceeds of this book will go towards scholarships for students.






How to Eradicate Hazing, by Ronald W. Holmes, Ph.D.

Hazing has been defined in a number of ways, but the resulting consequences are the same – ridicule, humiliation, embarrassment and abuse. Despite contrary beliefs, hazing impacts all ages and segments of society. Society must therefore be engaged in educational strategies to understand the causes and effects of hazing and research-based strategies for prevention that over time will eliminate the negative consequences. The book by Dr. Ronald Holmes provides a framework for K-20 educators and others to have an in depth look at hazing and begin to develop anti-hazing strategies to overcome the negative consequences in our communities, schools, institutions and society.  To order the book, visit:; or Barnes and Noble or call AuthorHouse Book Order Hotline at 1-888-280-7715. All proceeds of this book will go towards scholarships for the Robert Champion Foundation, Inc.


Current Issues and Answers in Education, by Ronald Holmes, Ph.D.

Through extensive research and best practices of various schools nationwide, this book provides educators with solutions to the problems in our public schools. These solutions include articles on some of the latest federal programs afforded to state education agencies to address challenges plaguing public schools such as the No Child Left Behind Act. The book can be very helpful to school stakeholders such as parents, teachers, principals and district administrators since the topics focus on the K-12 environments. With a plethora of references to support numerous suggestions, discrepancies and issues, this book can be useful to graduate students, professors, researchers, university administrators and education state agencies. In a proposal format, this book also provides a roadmap for successful and struggling schools in the U.S. with objectives, goals, strategies and performance measures. To order the book, visit:;  or Barnes and Noble or call AuthorHouse Book Order Hotline at 1-888-280-7715. All proceeds will be provided for student scholarships to support school academies for the National Save the Family Now Movement Inc.


Education Questions to be Answered, by Ronald W. Holmes, Ph.D.

In a time of an uncertain economy, this book provides solutions for improving America’s schools through federal funding, programs, services, community partnerships, accreditation and leadership standards. The book can be very helpful to school stakeholders such as parents, teachers, principals and district administrators since the topics focus on the K-12 environments. With a plethora of references to support numerous suggestions, discrepancies and issues, this book can be useful to graduate students, professors, researchers, university administrators and education state agencies. While America’s schools are faced with numerous challenges in today’s society such as the lack of family stability and parental involvement, this book also provides a roadmap for successful and struggling schools in the U.S. To order the book, visit:; or Barnes and Noble or call AuthorHouse Book Order Hotline at 1-888-280-7715. To read more about the topics in the book, visit

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