How can students utilize pitching as they prepare for college and careers?

In the game of baseball, a pitcher can pitch by throwing a slider, drop, curve, or fastball. In the business world, pitching refers to presenting your ideas to another party. The objective of the pitch is to influence others to buy a product, idea or service. Considering this concept, the critical question to be asked is: How can students utilize pitching as they prepare for college and careers?
Ronald Holmes’ latest book titled “A Business Communications & Grammar Book for High School and College Students” provides students examples of how to “pitch” their ideas in developing a resume for employment, writing a letter of application for employment, writing a letter of intent for college, and applying for a job using acceptable business practices. As part of the employment process, students need to “pitch” themselves when developing critical business letters. This book provides valuable examples of letters they can use to effectively market their talents to prospective employers.
Further, this book provides examples of common grammar mistakes people make when communicating verbally and in writing. Finally, students will learn some basic financial literacy concepts so they can effectively manage their money. To meet the needs of homeschoolers, this book serves as a reference guide for an online curriculum on Business Communications and Grammar with emphasis on preparing students for college and careers.
If you are interested in ordering this book, visit:;; or Barnes & Noble. For information on incorporating this online program in your school curriculum, contact Dr. Ronald Holmes at [email protected].
Dr. Ronald Holmes is the author of 24 books and publisher of “The Holmes Education Post,” an education focused Internet newspaper. Holmes is a former teacher, school administrator, test developer and district superintendent. He has written children’s books on the coronavirus, solar system, flowers, colors, careers, continents, animals, birds and school bullying. His adult books focus on hazing, workplace bullying, bipolar disorder, issues in education and completing the dissertation.
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