How can we make America safe again?

There have been more than 180,000 coronavirus deaths reported in the US and the number of cases rises daily. Since January, we have come to know that this virus impacts minorities and the infirm disproportionately and has no respect for age. Young children and young adults can get the virus and they can also infect others. So, how can we make America safe again? How can we use education to stem the tide of this deadly virus?
Education helps us know better and do better. To this end, The Holmes Education Post and Einestine Technology Services have partnered to create an online program to educate elementary, middle, high school, and college students on COVID-19. This curriculum covers three objectives: (1) what is COVID-19; (2) how does COVID-19 spread; and (3) what actions students can take to protect themselves and others from getting and spreading the virus.
This 30-minute online program will be displayed in a modular format followed by test your knowledge questions. In addition to being offered in multiple platforms, it will include an operational checklist along with technical support to assist schools in implementation. Schools, colleges, and universities will be able to use the program as a part of their “Student Code of Conduct” and as a tool for students’ re-entry into the campus environment.
By clicking on this link (K-12 Schools’) superintendents and principals), you can review a one minute video of our Online Coronavirus Awareness Curriculum.
By clicking on this link (colleges and universities’ presidents), you can review a one minute video about of Online Coronavirus Awareness Curriculum.
If we are going to contain the virus and make America safe again, everyone will need to take an active role in combating the disease. If you are a leader of a school, college, or university and interested in learning more about how to incorporate this online program in your educational institution, please contact Dr. Ronald Holmes at [email protected]
Dr. Ronald Holmes is the author of 21 books and publisher of “The Holmes Education Post,” an education focused Internet newspaper. Holmes is a former teacher, school administrator, test developer and district superintendent.