Is hazing prevalent in the K-20 environments?

Hazing is prevalent in the K-20 environments despite the adoption of anti-hazing laws in 44 states. Participating in extra-curricular activities and being hazed by perpetrators is a part of the K-20 educational culture for middle and high school students and college students. In fact, many students report participating in hazing rituals to feel closer as a group, gain approval by their peers and get revenge from their hazing experience. Other students participate in hazing because they are uneducated about what constitutes hazing behavior, pressured and influenced by the culture of the environment.
Because of the psychological and physical effects of hazing, The Holmes Education Post and Einestine Technology Services have currently developed an Online National Anti-Hazing Curriculum on “How to Eradicate Hazing” from the educational institution’s culture. The objectives of this online program are to (1) educate students and faculty members on the policies, procedures and laws on anti-hazing preventions; (2) provide a historical, psychological, sociological, legal and cultural perspectives of the negative effects of hazing and (3) provide alternative methods for implementing acceptable initiation rites in the educational environment.
The online curriculum includes a 45 – 50 minute program for students comprising of eight modules with a total of 20 questions. It also includes a free 45 – 50 minute program for faculty members comprising of nine modules with a total of 20 questions. The program can be made available in multiple platforms including OSX, Android, Windows, as well as device agnostic (desktop and laptop).
Using evidence based practices on hazing, the book entitled, “How to Eradicate Hazing,” serves as the reference guide for the online curriculum. Other features of the curriculum include: clear and colorful presentation; user friendly and very engaging; multiple choice questions with response explanations; test results of answer choices; passing percentage of performance, and easy to read, re-read and listen to information during the training.
If you are interested in incorporating this anti-hazing program into your curriculum, please email us.
Ronald Holmes, Ph.D. ([email protected]) is president and publisher of The Holmes Education Post, an education focused Internet newspaper. His philanthropist spirit and unselfish giving has enabled him to provide free educational resources and publications to educators across the nation. Through THEP, Holmes publishes weekly articles on educational issues and offers unique, researched based solutions, perspectives, best practices and resources to improve public education. In addition, Holmes is the author of eight books: “Education Questions to be Answered,” “Current Issues and Answers in Education,” “How to Eradicate Hazing,” “Professional Career Paths,” “Your Answers to Education Questions” “How to Revitalize the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.” “Completing the Dissertation: Tips, techniques and real-life experiences of Ph.D. graduates” and “Jacob’s Dream: A Story of Careers for Children.”
Charles Plummer ([email protected]) is the president of Einestine Technology Services which provides Information Technology training and certification for hardware and software programs such as Microsoft, CISCO, CompTIA Adobe and VmWare to individuals, businesses, as well as local, state and federal agencies — all in a professional, responsive and results oriented manner. ETS also utilizes the latest technologies to deliver a versatile e-learning product custom-designed for clients. ETS offers various formats of e-learning to clients from Live One-to-One training sessions using the latest whiteboard technology, web based trainings, computer based trainings, and ETS Private Network Systems. ETS leverage the latest technologies to deliver all of its trainings which eliminates travel, provides learning based upon clients’ needs and gives them total control of their education schedule.