Is it time for a mandatory mask requirement in the U.S.?

While the coronavirus is steadily rising in the U.S., the critical questions to be asked are: What does a high positivity rate mean? What is the positivity rate in the U.S.? Is it time for a mandatory mask requirement in the U.S.?
More than 9.9 million people in the U.S. have tested positive for the coronavirus. The positivity rate or percent positive helps health public constituents to determine the current level of COVID-19 transmission in the community and if they are testing enough for the number of people who are becoming infected by the coronavirus. The positivity rate is the “percentage of all coronavirus tests performed that are actually positive or (positive tests)/(total tests) x 100 percent.”
A high positivity rate means that additional testing for coronavirus in the community should probable be done; and that it is probable not the time or appropriate to relax restrictions designed to reduce the transmission of the coronavirus in the community. Rather, it might be the time or appropriate to implore restrictions to slow the spread of the virus since a high positivity rate suggests a high coronavirus infection rate in the community.
As a rubric, five (5) percent is the threshold for the positivity rate being too high in a community according to the World Health Organization (WHO); and before governments consider reopening, WHO recommends that the positivity rate remains less than five (5) percent for at least two weeks. In November 2020, South Dakota had the highest positivity rate of 52.2 percent with Vermont having the lowest positivity rate of 0.6.
In order to lower the positivity rate, research suggests that we must increase the number of people who get tested and reduce the amount of coronavirus transmission. When identifying people who test positive of the coronavirus, this provides a sound reason for people to isolate themselves from others for approximately two weeks.
Having everyone to abide by stricter regulations such as social distancing, avoiding large gatherings, and wearing masks can provide an effective means to reduce the spread of the virus and subsequently lower the positivity rate for the community. Stay tuned for more research on the coronavirus or articles such as What are safety measures implemented at colleges and universities to address the pandemic?
Dr. Ronald Holmes is the author of 22 books and publisher of “The Holmes Education Post,” an education focused Internet newspaper. Holmes is a former teacher, school administrator, test developer and district superintendent.
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