Should I stay or should I go to Bethlehem?

We are constantly faced with decisions that may have positive or negative effects on our life. Some decisions might include staying home instead of going to church; determining which candidate to vote for in the primary election; and deciding whether to exercise and stay fit versus maintaining a sedentary life. In the bible, Ruth had to decide whether she would stay in Moab with her people or go with her mother-in law Naomi to Bethlehem. This was the focus of Wednesday Night Bible Study at First Timothy Baptist Church. Utilizing the book, Beyond the Sunday Sermon, Dr. Ronald Holmes’ message highlighted three key points from the text. They included (1) the necessary decision, (2) the new direction and (3) the new destination.
Dr. Holmes raised the question to the congregation, “Have you ever made the necessary decision to leave a place because of a situation, circumstance or condition?” Because of a famine in Bethlehem-Judah, Naomi and her family made the decision to leave and move to Moab; the ungodly land where God described as his washpot (Psalm 108:9). The bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6 respectively,” Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” This is exactly what Ruth did. She trusted in the Lord and held onto her mother-in-law, Naomi (Ruth 1:14). She allowed the Lord to direct her path. In fact, she told Naomi that, where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; where you die, I will die; where you are buried, I will be buried; and your people shall be my people (Ruth 1:16-17).
In point two, Dr. Holmes said when you decide to go with the Lord, you are moving in a new direction. You can’t stay in the same place or location when you decide to follow the Lord. In this text, Ruth was determined and committed to follow Naomi to Bethlehem. This is the kind of commitment we must have when we decide to follow the Lord. Jesus says in Luke 9:23, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” Jesus also says in Luke 14:27, “And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.” In John 6:66-68, Jesus asked his disciples at a time when many disciples left him, will you also go. Peter replied, “Lord where would we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
For point three, Dr. Holmes said the path we choose in life will lead to eternal consequences. At times, we choose to follow the familiar or comfortable path; and other times, we choose to follow God’s path, such as Ruth. Ruth was steadfast in choosing her new destination to Bethlehem. When Naomi saw that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped speaking to her about it (Ruth 1:18). As a result, they traveled together to Bethlehem; the house of bread; the place where Jesus was born. Once they arrived in Bethlehem, the people in the city were very excited about them (Ruth 1:19). It became evident that Ruth made the best decision. As she was working in the fields of Bethlehem, she met a wealthy landowner named Boaz who needed a good wife. If she had stayed in Moab, she would have never met Boaz. By meeting Boaz in the field, she found favor with God, said Holmes.
The next bible study lesson on September 4 at 7:00p.m. – 8:00p.m. (EST) is, “Favor in the Field,” from the book, Beyond the Sunday Sermon. The book can be purchased online from To virtually attend the bible study, go to the First Timothy Baptist Church’s website, YouTube or Facebook.
Dr. Ronald Holmes is the author of 27 books and publisher of “The Holmes Education Post,” an education focused Internet newspaper. His books for children cover topics on the coronavirus, solar system, flowers, careers and school bullying. His books for adults focus on religion, relationships, hazing, workplace bullying, bipolar disorders, issues in education and completing the dissertation.