Career Sabotaging in the Workplace

Workplace bullying is abusive conduct that is sabotaging and interferes with an employee’s work or prevents the employee from getting his or her work done. [&hellip

Bullying in Elementary School and Ways to Stop It!

This book teaches children about bullying and ways to stop it. It provides colorful illustrations of the characteristics of the bully, bully-victim, victim and bystander, [&hellip

The Jacob’s Dream Book Series

At an early age, children constantly ask their parents the “Why” question. When young children get an answer to one question, they quickly ask another [&hellip

Why does education matter?

Due to the police killings of unarmed African-Americans across the country, three Black females started the civil rights movement called Black Lives Matter. Now that [&hellip

How can teachers provide content in 90 different languages?

In many U.S. classroom settings in cities such as Miami, New York, Los Angeles and San Antonio, students represent different ethnic backgrounds and speak different [&hellip

What should children do during the summer?

Reading is the pathway to a successful education and career. However, America’s children are having a difficult time of developing the necessary literal and critical [&hellip

What is the newly released book, Jacob’s Dream?

As the spring season ends, most of us begin to think about our summer itinerary. These thoughts might involve attending a family reunion, going on [&hellip

What educational books can be found on The Holmes Education Post?

The Holmes Education Post (THEP) is an education focused Internet newspaper designed to improve public education. THEP provide free educational resources such as an ebook and [&hellip