How did Douglas County School District avoid a budget cut?
While many school districts are struggling to balance their operating budget, one school district in Colorado was able to avoid budget cuts for the 2013-2014 [&hellip
Schools Nationwide Best Practices
The Holmes Education Post recognizes schools and their business partners that are demonstrating best practices in education. These practices may include civic or service learning [&hellip
Schools Nationwide Best Practices
The Holmes Education Post recognizes schools that are demonstrating best practices in education. These practices may include civic or service learning activities, special programs, events [&hellip
Schools Nationwide Best Practices
The Holmes Education Post recognizes schools that are demonstrating best practices in education. These practices may include civic or service learning activities, special programs, events [&hellip
Schools nationwide best practices
The Holmes Education Post recognizes schools that are demonstrating best practices in education. These practices may include civic or service learning activities, special programs, events [&hellip