How can leaders at higher education make transformational changes to create an inclusive environment?
The American Council on Education (ACE) held its annual meeting virtually during the week of March 22. Many executive leaders such as deans and presidents [&hellip
What new mindsets are needed to harness change in higher education?
A new mantra in business is that the only thing that stays constant is change. Change is inevitable and is the new norm for our [&hellip
New Book to Address Workplace Bullying
According to Workplace Bullying Institute, 65.6 million working Americans experienced or witnessed abusive conduct during the workday. Depending on the bullying situation, some psychological effects [&hellip
How can higher education advance effective teaching practices?
With the demands for students to be competitive in a global economy, the critical questions to be asked are: How can higher education advance effective [&hellip
Has the “Greek Life” experience gone wild?
Many prominent educators, politicians and business executives have matriculated at colleges and universities and been a part of the campus “Greek Life” experience. In fact, [&hellip
Is it time to provide report cards for the Teacher Preparation Program?
With an ongoing problem of many teachers not being prepared to teach in today’s classroom setting and, subsequently, having a negative impact on student performance, [&hellip
How is hazing a part of the K-20 educational culture?
Participating in extra-curricular activities and being hazed by perpetrators is a part of the K-20 educational culture for middle and high school students and college [&hellip
How can minority doctoral scholars earn a Ph.D. in multiple academic disciplines?
Ethnic diversity is essential for college faculty members who can serve as role models for students of similar backgrounds. With a shortage of racial/ethnic minority [&hellip
Who is the ACE Council Fellows/Fidelity Investments mentor award honoree?
The Holmes Education Post recognizes schools, colleges and universities and their business partners that are demonstrating best practices in education. These practices may include civic [&hellip
Why did UM adopt concept of entrepreneurial thinking?
Dr. Mary Sue Coleman, president of the University of Michigan was a keynote speaker at the 96th Annual Meeting of the American Council on Education [&hellip