Who is the president and CEO of JASON Learning?
Students come to the classroom with different learning abilities. Teachers spend most of their time, particularly at low-income school districts, trying to create lesson plans [&hellip

How do you live beyond blindness in your life?
In life, some people can’t see the forest for the trees. They make poor decisions, become depressed, lose confidence in themselves and others. The critical [&hellip

What can superintendents do to prevent students from bullying?
As students go back to school for the 2023– 2024 academic year, it is important that they are afforded a rigorous academic curriculum that prepares [&hellip

Excerpt of First Lady-Elect Dr. Jill Biden’s Speech in 2014
As the saying goes, “Behind every great man, there is a great woman.” When Vice President Joe Biden was preparing to address the constituents at [&hellip

How do you become the pioneer of your industry?
When we think about successful organizations, we might think of Harvard University, Home Depot, Disney World, Coca Cola or the New England Patriots. Over the [&hellip

Jamaican Educator Pens New Book on Parental Involvement in Schools
South Florida Caribbean News August 16, 2018 by Howard Campbell ATLANTA – With technology’s impact on education increasing rapidly, many parents believe their influence on children’s [&hellip

John Marshall Law School Launches New Graduate Law Degree Program
(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Many businesses and their employees are confronting legal and regulatory issues more frequently in their everyday operations and job responsibilities. The knowledge [&hellip

October is Careers in Construction Month
(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NCCER and its Build Your Future (BYF) initiative are once again declaring October as Careers in Construction Month. Throughout the month, industry [&hellip