What are seven things administrators should say to students returning to school?
Whether students are “Straight Out of” Compton, Boston, Jacksonville or New London, Conn., their minds must be redirected for the return to school. With a need for common principles, the critical question to be asked is: What are seven things administrators should say to their students the first week of school and beyond to prepare them for having a successful school year. Following are The Holmes Education Post’s recommendations for administrators:
Be an On Time Person
Just as an employee has to report to work on time, it is important that students report to school and classes on time. Being absent and reporting late impacts your performance, and subsequently, leads to failure. In addition, get your school work done on time. This means make a plan of what needs to be completed and by when. Don’t wait until the last minute to get reports completed. Give yourself time to do your best work.
Be Your Best Self At School
Getting along with your peers and teachers are just as important as getting along with your siblings and parents. Your positive behavior will transfer to having a positive relationship with your future supervisors and co-workers. Teachers want to work with students who are respectful, interested and excited about the school work.
Choose Friends Wisely
There is an old saying that, “Birds of a feather flock together.” Choose friends that have positive characteristics similar to yours. Make sure that the people you hang with want something out of life and want to have a good future.
Avoid Being a Follower
Whether you are participating in an extra-curricular activity or not, avoid being a follower to wrongdoing. Remember, to get alone with all of your peers and choose friends wisely who are setting a positive example for themselves such as reporting to school on time, completing all of their class assignments and behaving properly in school. Otherwise, being a follower and engaging in wrongdoing at the school will, subsequently, lead to disciplinary actions.
Use Social Media Wisely
Limit your time on social media. Learn to put away the cell phone when it is time to do your course work. When you do use your computer, get familiar with websites such as Khan Academy. It will be helpful to you as you face challenging subjects such as algebra, calculus and geometry. Be careful of what you do and say on social media and be concerned about the image you portray. Ask yourself, if what is being said is something you would want your parent, an employer or a potential college recruiter to read about you.
Participate in Extra-curricular Activities
Find an extra-curricular activity that allows you to display your creative and physical dexterity. Research shows that students who participate in extra-curricular activities perform and behave better in school than students who do not participate in activities. Thus, find an activity you enjoy doing and do your very best at it.
Take Care of Your Well-Being
Learn to take care of your body by watching what you put into your body. Start the day with breakfast to keep the mind stimulated. Cut down on the foods and drinks that provide too much sugar. Make sure that you get at least one nutritious meal during the day that includes a fruit and a vegetable. The habits you start as a child and young adult will prepare you for a healthy life as an adult.
Dr. Ronald Holmes is the author of 10 books, “How Eradicate Bullying,” “Education Questions to be Answered,” “Current Issues and Answers in Education,” “How to Eradicate Hazing,” “Professional Career Paths,” “Your Answers to Education Questions,” “How to revitalize the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.” “Completing the Dissertation: Tips, techniques and real-life experiences from Ph.D. graduates,” “Jacob’s Dream, A Story of Careers for Children” and Jacob’s Dream, A Story of Animals in Africa. He is publisher of “The Holmes Education Post,” an education focused Internet newspaper. Holmes is a former teacher, school administrator and district superintendent. He can be reached at [email protected]