Who has the ideal learning environment in U.S. public schools?

The challenge for our education system is to identify effective methods to personalize learning in a way to teach all of our children according to their different learning styles and abilities. Compass Learning’s “Ideal Learning Environment Video Contest” encouraged students, teachers and parents to submit videos describing what they think the ideal learning environment should be.
Sparked by research that a majority of students report they are “bored in school, while teachers who are being asked to do more with less are demoralized and even burned-out,” this initiative was designed to ensure that students are engaged in the classrooms and teachers feel empowered to make a difference.
Video entries had to be three minutes or less in length and could have been as simple as a cell phone recording or elaborate as a produced video. Now that the competition is completed, the critical questions to be asked are: Who has the ideal learning environment in U.S. public schools? What are some effective methods for teaching and learning? What is the prize for the winners of the contest?
After watching over 100 video submissions, Compass Learning judges chose teachers Dave Schultz and Tyler Winner of Westerville South High School in Westerville, Ohio as the winners of the 2012 “Ideal Learning Environment Video Contest.” These teachers provided a personalized learning experience or “rapping” video that was collaborative, engaging and exciting for students to grasp the concepts in the classroom. The experience allowed students to have fun while learning at the same time according to Compass Learning.
As a result of Schultz and Winner’s creative video submission, they were awarded $5,000 each and received an additional $5,000 for their high school. As we know students come to the classroom with different learning styles and abilities, activities such as Compass Learning’s “Ideal Learning Environment Video Contest” provides a model for personalizing learning for other schools to emulate.
The following link, provided by Compass Learning, provides a snapshot of the winning video. Illustrations such as student centered learning, real world experience and content linking are emphasized to foster a positive learning environment.
We sincerely congratulate Mr. David Schultz and Tyler Winner for their achievement. We also thank Compass Learning for its creation of the ““Ideal Learning Environment Video Contest.”
Dr. Ronald Holmes is the author of three books, “Education Questions to be Answered,” “Current Issues and Answers in Education” and “How to Eradicate Hazing.” He is publisher of “The Holmes Education Post,” an education focused Internet newspaper. Holmes is the national superintendent of education for the National Save the Family Now Movement, Inc., a former teacher, school administrator and district superintendent. He can be reached at [email protected].