How can being rookie smart keep you competitive?
At the 2015 Association of California School Administrators Conference in Monterey, Calif., presenter, Liz Wiseman, an author, researcher, executive advisor and national speaker, raised the [&hellip

Is hazing prevalent in the K-20 environments?
Hazing is prevalent in the K-20 environments despite the adoption of anti-hazing laws in 44 states. Participating in extra-curricular activities and being hazed by perpetrators [&hellip

What is the aim of Appreciative Advising?
Having students to attend your school is one thing. Advising them to be successful in the school is another. For this special feature, the critical [&hellip

Is it time to provide report cards for the Teacher Preparation Program?
With an ongoing problem of many teachers not being prepared to teach in today’s classroom setting and, subsequently, having a negative impact on student performance, [&hellip

Policy and Legislation News of NASDCTEc
The Holmes Education Post recognizes schools, colleges and universities and their business partners and agencies that are demonstrating best practices in education. These practices may [&hellip

Who are the key note speakers at the 2015 Appreciative Education Conference?
Building a strong relationship with students to help them optimize their educational experiences and achieve their dreams, goals and potentials is the aim of Appreciative [&hellip