An Open Letter to My Nephews: Why won’t you get vaccinated?

Posted by Ronald | August 22, 2021  |  1 Comment

Dear Nephews,

As a child, you were vaccinated for the measles, mumps and chickenpox. You got a shot before you started school for pre-K and elementary. While your body never had a negative reaction from these medications, the critical questions to be asked are: nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, and cousins, why won’t you get vaccinated? How long do you want this war on COVID-19 to last?

In military terms, the vaccine is our weapon to fight the enemy. The vaccine is equipped with the latest artillery and technology to win the war on COVID-19. This war, however, requires every soldier regardless of race, sex, religion, class, ethnicity, party affiliation or nationality to arm himself or herself with the vaccine. The reason is clear. The enemy is a dangerous disease that spreads from person to person.

While preachers, community leaders, doctors and our President of the United States are encouraging everyone to get vaccinated, it has been said that you can “drive a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” In this war, nephews, I can’t make you get the vaccine. I can only advise you on how you can prepare for the dangers of COVID-19. Over 600,000 people in the United States have died from COVID-19. On their dying beds, they have pleaded desperately for their family members, friends, and people in the community to get vaccinated. They have said repeatedly, “I wish I had gotten the vaccine; but I was still thinking about getting it. I was still doing my research on it.”

Nephews, you are now husbands and fathers. You are the leaders of your family. Your children want your love and protection, but most importantly, they need you to stay alive to see them grow into productive citizens. You are a son with aging parents, uncles and aunts. We depend on you to be around as we age. We don’t want you to contract this deadly virus and bring it to our home. We need you to stay alive.

Nephews, how long do you want this war on COVID-19 to last? One year? Two years? Five years? We are in a state of emergency. Every person who is eligible to fight this war on COVID-19 must voluntarily enlist in the military immediately. There is no room or tolerance for error. Everybody must take the vaccine to fight COVID-19. Without the vaccine, nephews, you are a “walking time bomb” or “dead man walking” subject to explode and kill yourselves and innocent people who have the desire to live.

Protect yourselves and others from this dangerous disease, nephews. Be a part of the solution to end the war on COVID-19. Don’t sit idly by and allow the enemy to continuously invade our land and destroy everything we cherish. Don’t continue to feed the enemy and allow it to survive off of you. Get the vaccine.

I love you nephews…

I await your reply.

Dr. Ronald Holmes
 is the author of 23 books and publisher of “The Holmes Education Post,” an education focused Internet newspaper.  Holmes is a former teacher, school administrator, test developer and district superintendent.

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One Comment

  1. Leon says:

    Thank You for your service. Well written.

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